Lead Generation is a very important part of any online business. It can bring you a lot of traffic, leads and sales. It’s a must have for every business that wants to grow and succeed online. In this article I’m going to talk about how you can generate leads for your online business.

The first thing you need to do is decide what kind of leads you want. There are many different types of leads and you need to know which ones will work best for your business. Here are some of the more common ones.

1. Email leads – These are leads that you’ve collected from your email campaigns. You can then use these leads to send them to your autoresponder or newsletter.

2. Phone leads – This is where you get people to call you up and ask for information about your products or services. You can then turn these calls into sales by having someone answer the phone for you.

3. Web leads – This is where you have a website and you get people to visit it. You can then capture their names and contact information when they leave the site.

4. Social Media Leads – This is where you have an account on a social networking site like Twitter or Facebook and you post content there. You then get people to follow you and look at your posts. You can then capture their contact information when they click on your link.

5. Blogging Leads – This is where people come to your blog and read your content. You can then turn these readers into leads by giving them a special offer or giveaway.

6. Pay Per Click (PPC) Leads – This is where advertisers pay you money to show their ads on your site. You can then get leads by directing traffic to those ads.

7. Article Marketing Leads – This is where your articles are posted on article directories and you get people to click on the links within the article. You can then turn these clicks into leads by sending people to your opt in form or other pages on your site.

8. Press Releases Leads – This is where press releases are written about your business and you get people to click through to your site. You can then turn these leads into sales by having someone answer your phone.

9. Video Leads – This is where videos are created about your business and you get viewers to click through to your site after watching the video. You can then turn these viewers into leads by having someone answer the phone.

10. Search Engine Optimization Leads – This is where keywords are used to attract search engine traffic. You can then turn these visitors into leads by having someone answer your phone.

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